Thursday, October 12, 2006

Go See Eurydice

I went to see the Yale Rep's production of Eurydice tonight. It was stunning, and you need to go see it before it closes on October 14th. I could drown it in superlatives like the New York Times did here and here, but instead I'll just say one thing.

Beyond being funny, poignant, and beautifully designed, the play was full of these moments and gestures that were so different, so new, that you couldn't help but be swallowed up by them. The way that Eurydice's father makes her a house out of a single, long thread, or the way people in Hades forget how to read (or write, or speak) and try to stand on letters to read them--it was like watching Miyazaki, or reading that part in Life of Pi where the kid lands on the seaweed island. I loved it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to say that this blog is worth reading, even though I have no idea who you are and may not even being a llama.