Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Holiday Movie Round-Up

With the holidays comes a hell of a lot of movie-watching.

The good:

1. Fitzcarraldo (1982): Crazy German dude tries to build an opera house in the Peruvian Amazon. Doesn't end too well, but manages to lift steamboat across large swath of jungle, which is cool.

2. The Pursuit of Happyness (2006): Closest I've come to crying in a movie since The Chipmunk Adventure (1987). (If you're wondering, I lost it during the hot air balloon scene.)

The very good:

1. Das Boot (1981): Crazy German dude tries to pilot a U-boat in North Atlantic waters during World War II. Doesn't end too well, but that's probably a good thing since they're all Nazis.

2. The Spanish Prisoner (1997): Has nothing to do with a Spaniard who is a prisoner. Thriller with Usual Suspects-style plot and occasionally hilarious David Lynch-style dialogue. ("Why did you get me a Swiss bank account?" "Lavish awkward gesture.")

3. The Beat that My Heart Skipped (2005): Am aware that I've recommended this movie on here before, but just watched it again with the fam and was reminded how much it rocked. BTW, I'm offering $10 to whoever can figure out what music Tom is playing when the "Two Years Later" message comes on.

The bad:

1. Happy Feet (2006): Two hours of dancing penguins and no one does the worm? Uh-uh.

2. Blood Diamond (2006): I was previously under the the impression that my deep and abiding love for Jennifer Connelly would rescue any movie from the suck. I was wrong. Okay, it is a bit harsh to say that this movie sucked. I thought Jennifer Connelly was good.

The ugly:

1. Scarface (1983): I'm sorry, but I am so sick and tired of Al Pacino playing an Angry Man Who Screams A Lot. I actually almost put this in "The Bad" category because there was a certain comedic value in Tony Montana and his sidekick Manny, but all of this was erased the twentieth time he shot someone in the face while screaming the F-word. I did learn that cocaine used to go by "yeyo," though, which is the funnest term for a narcotic that I have heard in a while.

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