Thursday, February 08, 2007

Things Not to Do in a Movie Theatre

Some good political writing to check out:

(1) This insightful article in The Politico notes that modern candidates are more likely to be “rootless,” lacking a defining regional identity. Unlike old-line candidates like Bill Clinton or Ted Kennedy, most candidates today aren’t deeply regional and often have had little to no history in the states that eventually vaunted them into national politics—a la Hillary Clinton, Bill Richardson, John McCain, and Mitt Romney.

(2) The Atlantic's Joshua Green profiles three former political consultants that will say goodbye to the Ds and Rs and form their own centrist party—Unity08. The party would be web-based—including an online nominating convention to follow both the Democratic and Republican ones—and, most interestingly, will be a one-time event; instead of trying to establish a permanent third-way, Unity08’s founders envision it as more of a wake-up call for national politics to move to the middle.

(3) Jeffrey Goldberg profiles Joe Lieberman in the New Yorker and reveals that aside from being Dick Cheney’s yes-senator, Lieberman is also a huge weirdo:

Lieberman likes expressions of American power. A few years ago, I was in a movie theatre in Washington when I noticed Lieberman and his wife, Hadassah, a few seats down. The film was “Behind Enemy Lines,” in which Owen Wilson plays a U.S. pilot shot down in Bosnia. Whenever the American military scored an onscreen hit, Lieberman pumped his fist and said, “Yeah!” and “All right!”


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Unity08 is a front, set up by right wing lobbyist Jim Jonas. They've consistently refused to disclose just who their "grassroots" donors are, have been ordered by the FEC to refile as a PAC because of their finance disclosure violations, and one of their big donors has been found out to be Edward J. Mathias, managing director of the Carlyle Group.. who are making billions off our war with Iraq, both George W, and George HW Bush, as well as Osama bin Laden's brother are big time members of the Carlyle Group.

This looks like another attempt by Bush's cronies to keep the money flowing into their pockets when the Shrub finally has to step down.